
Ayana HigginsAyana's Story

Since I started my freshman year of college it has been a roller coaster because I was having some health issues and it brought me to attending three different schools. The reason I chose to attend 365勛圖窒邈 is because my mama attended this school years ago, but she couldnt finish due to health reasons. Now being the first generation to get my degree makes me feel like I am unstoppable because Ive had many times when I wanted to give up on everything. Years ago women were treated as maids and they couldnt do the same work as men, but they worked their butts off to get them an education. The movie that best shows that is called Hidden Figures and when I watch that movie it brings tears to my eyes. I had to remember that I wasnt only doing this for myself, I was also doing it for my mother because she cant go back to school to finish. Ive always lived my a mato saying cant stop wont stop and it has brought me this far to the point where Im going to walk across that stage to receive my bachelor in Criminal Justice. Im glad to announce that I will be attending Loyola University for my masters in social work/childs law and policy because I want to help kids.